Joe Biden: No Ordinary Citizens Care About Constitutional Rights-Fiction! Joe Biden: No Ordinary Citizens Care About Constitutional Rights- Fiction! Summary of eRumor: It’s been reported that Vice President Joe Biden said no ordinary citizens care about constitutional rights. The Truth: Joe Biden didn’t say that ordinary citizens don’t care about constitutional rights. A similar comment that Joe Biden did make during a weapons control forum, however, has been taken out of context to make it appear that the vice president did say that. Joe Biden made the comment at a forum held at the Western Connecticut State University in Danbury in February 2013. The forum was held in response to the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting that left 26 dead, including 20 children, in December 2012. According to a transcript of the video , Biden said: ... They say guns like the AR-15 are needed for self-protection and recreation. They are not. There are plenty of ways you can protect yourself and recreate without an AR-15. They say it isn’t about guns. They’re wrong; it is about guns. Let me say at the outset to all the press: No law abiding citizen in the United States of America has any fear that their Constitutional rights will be infringed in any way — none, zero. Look, common sense facts are these assault weapons are unnecessary and dangerous weapons that put our law enforcement personnel at risk... So, Biden didn’t say that ordinary citizens don’t care about constitutional rights. He said no law-abiding citizens should fear that their constitutional rights will be infringed upon without the protection of an AR-15. Posted in Politics