In June 2021, news articles were published about an Italian artist who reportedly sold an invisible sculpture at auction for more than $18,000. Popular podcast host Joe Rogan posted a screenshot of one such article to their Instagram page which quickly racked up hundreds of thousands of likes. There are a number of things about this story that we can confirm. Italian artist Salvatore Garau exists. The Art Rite auction house where this sculpture was sold exists. A certificate of authenticity exists. But the sculpture? Let's just say we haven't seen enough evidence. According to the Art Rite auction house, this invisible sculpture, entitled Lo Sono, outdid its estimate and sold for €14,820.00 (about $18,030) on May 18, 2021, during the 4-U new Contemporary Art Auction. The auction house lists all of the items sold at this auction here. You can see the listing for Garau's Lo Sono below. (It's the one that looks blank). This invisible sculpture was also put on display by the auction house. Art Rite auction allows visitors to their site to take 3D tours of their auctions. The following image comes from this tour. We added a red arrow to help viewers find this invisible sculpture: We reached out to the auction house for more information about this sale. While the name of the buyer has not been made public, the auction house wrote on its website that this anonymous buyer brought home a certificate of authenticity from the artist in addition to their intangible sculpture: Garau said in an interview with the auction house (translated via Google): According to Artnet.com, Lo Sono is not the first invisible sculpture that Garau has created: Here's a video of the Buddha in Contemplation sculpture, which, to our untrained artistic eyes, bares a suspiciously similar resemblance to Lo Sono.