On 14 February 2016, the disreputable web site American News published an article reporting that popular singer Beyonce had been banned from performing in Canada due to her supposed use of her February 2016 Super Bowl halftime appearance as a platform to focus on black power: The article was misleadingly tagged with the clickbait headline Canada Does Not Allow Beyonce to Perform in Their Country, as, the page's content didn't match the claims of its title. The text simply reported that a single Canadian official had suggested banning Beyonce from performing in that country might be a possible course of action: A 13 February 2016 article by America's Freedom Fighters also appeared under a clickbait headline stating that Canada Does What NOBODY Will After Seeing Beyonce's Racist Show, but that article also walked the claim back in its text. Both misleading articles linked to an 8 February 2016 Toronto Sun item whose thirteenth paragraph referenced Canadian reactions to the performance. and noted that Beyonce had upcoming shows scheduled in Canada: As that brief portion of the article relayed, a single Toronto councilman merely suggested that if Beyonce or any of her troupe were proved to have provided financial support to any radical groups, they might be denied entry to Canada on that basis. That's a far cry from the stated claim that Canada has already banned Beyonce from performing there based on nothing more than the tenor of her brief Super Bowl appearance.