  • 2021-02-23 (xsd:date)
  • Would a Bill Bar Trump from Being Buried at Arlington Cemetery? (en)
  • In late January 2021, a number of Democrats brought forward the No Glory for Hate Act in the U.S. House of Representatives, a bill that seeks to impose restrictions on certain former presidents. Proposed ahead of the second impeachment of President Donald Trump after he provoked a mob into attacking the U.S. Capitol, the bill aims to prohibit burials in Arlington National Cemetery of former presidents who had been twice impeached. Snopes readers specifically interpreted this bill as one that sought to prohibit Trump from being buried at Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, Virginia, at the time of his death. We read the text of the bill, and learned that while Trump is not mentioned there by name, the bill presently only applies to him. The No Glory For Hate Act states: This clearly does not name Trump, but explicitly refers to any former president that has been twice impeached by the House of Representatives. Presently, Trump is the first and only former president who fits that description. The bill also calls for preventing the use of federal funds to be used to name, designate, or redesignate a Federal building or Federal land after, or in commemoration of such a president, and to create or display any symbol, monument, or statue commemorating the president. Presently it has only been introduced in the House and no other actions have been taken surrounding it. Only two former presidents are buried at Arlington National Cemetery: John F. Kennedy, and William Taft. Most presidents choose to be buried in their home states. The cemetery is primarily a burial ground for active duty military and retired reservists, recipients of the military’s highest honors, and former prisoners of war. Given that the bill does not explicitly mention Trump, but does largely apply to Trump, we rate this claim as Mostly True. (en)