  • 2021-03-30 (xsd:date)
  • No medical evidence that guava leaves treat vaginal discharge (en)
  • How to treat vaginal discharge with guava leaves , reads the headline of a message posted on Facebook in Nigeria in May 2020. Ingredients - 25 leaves of guava. 2 liters of water preparation and user's guide. Pour the guava leaves in a saucepan with two liters of water and leave on fire for 1 hour. Remove it, let it sit and then use the liquid to wash the vaginal area. Repeat this treatment twice a day, for a full week. Guava , with the botanical name Psidium guajava, is a fruit and small tropical tree from the Myrtaceae family. The fruit is round to pear-shaped, and edible. But can guava leaves be used to treat vaginal discharge? Not scientifically proven Vaginal discharge is the way a woman’s body expels fluid made up of dead cells and bacteria. This process is normal. Abnormal vaginal discharge has a different colour and smell. I’m not aware of such a procedure, and we don’t practice it, John Ekabua, a professor of adolescent gynaecology and reproductive health at Nigeria’s University of Calabar , told Africa Check. Aloysius Inofomoh , a consultant obstetrician at Chygor-Cole Specialist Hospital in Lagos state, said : I don't know of any way guava leaves treat vaginal discharge. He added: Guava is a fruit which, when consumed, can give calories and vitamins. G ood hygiene will help keep a woman’s genitals clean and healthy. (en)