  • 2022-02-10 (xsd:date)
  • No global court has outlawed Covid vaccines – and ‘International Common Court of Justice’ doesn’t exist (en)
  • This article is more than 1 year old What seems to be an International Common Court of Justice judgement banning Covid vaccines is circulating on WhatsApp in Nigeria and has also been shared elsewhere on Facebook. It reads : Let it be known that the Court has outlawed all Covid ‘vaccines’ and prohibited their use or imposition after lawfully convicting their manufacturers, including Pfizer Ltd., and GlaxoSmithKline Ltd., of Crimes against Humanity and of producing the Covid ‘vaccines’ through the trafficking, torture, organ removal, murder, and genocide of children, indigenous people, and other involuntarily experimental tests subjects. Dated 15 January 2022, the document includes two signatures and a case docket number. It adds that the vaccines have been ordered to be seized and prohibited from sale, distribution, use, or application. The Nigeria Centre for Disease Control ’s infodemic management unit and subscribers to Africa Check’s WhatsApp line in Nigeria sent it to us for checking. Has any international court issued such a judgement? We checked. No case on International Criminal Court website The International Common Law Court of Justice is not a recognised international court. We could not find it on the UN list of courts and tribunals while other fact-checkers have said is an invention of Kevin Annett , a Canadian writer and former United Church of Canada minister. Annett has no legal qualification, and was removed from the ministry for spreading conspiracy theories related to indigenous residential schools. We traced the document’s source to an article posted on Murder by Decree , a website run by Annett. The document uses a logo that resembles that of the International Criminal Court , but the institutions are not linked in any way. The International Criminal Court is a legitimate intergovernmental body that investigates and, where warranted, tries individuals charged with the gravest crimes of concern to the international community. Its website makes no mention of a case against the pharmaceutical companies, and the case docket number cannot be found. The January 15 ruling is not in its list of recent decisions. Onyekachi Umah , a legal practitioner and arbitrator in Nigeria, told Africa Check the International Common Court of Justice does not exist. If the International Common Law Court of Justice claims to have tried suspects for criminal offences, then it needs the authority of governments to be created and empowered, he said. No evidence of drug companies’ conviction We also found no evidence that Pfizer and GlaxoSmithKline have been lawfully convicted of crimes against humanity and producing Covid vaccines through trafficking, organ removal, and other experimental test subjects. Such a case would have made international headlines. But it hasn’t. In January, Africa Check debunked a similar claim that arrest warrants had been issued to high-profile people for crimes against humanity related to Covid-19 vaccines. As with this claim, we found no evidence of such a case. (en)