  • 2015-03-17 (xsd:date)
  • Obama and the 8 Levels of Control by Saul Alinsky-Unproven! –... (en)
  • Obama and the 8 Levels of Control by Saul Alinsky-Unproven! Obama and the 8 Levels of Control by Saul Alinsky- Unproven! Summary of eRumor: This is a forwarded email that alleged that President Obama took advice and training from Saul Alinsky. The email contains 8 points to creating a social state, which it alleged that Alinsky authored. The Truth: This eRumor starts out of the gate with a lie. Saul Alinsky died in 1972 when Barack Obama was 10 years old. There is no way that Obama could have been personally mentored by Alinsky. We have not determined that Alinsky wrote the 8 Levels of Control, Although Alinsky did write a book called Rules for Radicals , which was published in 1971. The book has been noted to be popular among the members of the political progressive movement. According to a March 9, 2007 article by Human Events Hillary Rodham’s senior thesis at Wellesley College was an analysis of the Alinsky Model titled There Is Only the Fight . . . We did a search of the text in 8 Levels of Control and found some versions that do not reference President Obama. One version is alleged to have been written by John C. Leary on a blog on the Beufort Observer . We are trying to contact Leary for a confirmation and continuing our investigation on this. We will post findings here when we get them. Posted 01/19/14 Posted in Politics (en)