  • 2016-11-10 (xsd:date)
  • Trump Taps Outspoken Climate Denier To Oversee EPA Transition Team (en)
  • In September 2016, candidate Donald Trump announced his intention to appoint Myron Ebell to lead his administration's transition team at the Environmental Protection Agency. Ebell currently serves as the director of the Center for Energy and Environment at the libertarian think tank the Competitive Enterprise Institute. He also chairs an initiative named the Cooler Heads Coalition, which, according to Ebell’s official bio: Ebell openly declares himself to be a climate change skeptic who disputes the severity of human activity on Earth's climate. On this point, Ebell has been extremely consistent: He argues that anthropogenic global warming, if it happens at all, is a minor issue that has been usurped by liberals to expand the federal government. He has stated in many different venues that he intends to dismantle the scientific consensus around anthropogenic global warming, as discussed in this October 23 2012 interview with PBS Frontline’s John Hockenberry: Ebell, as noted in a 2007 Vanity Fair article, is often contacted by journalists for sound bites representing the opposing view to scientific, peer reviewed studies despite the fact that Ebell is not actually a scientist: He holds an M.S degree in economics from the London School of Economics. His scientific view on global warming was well summarized in that 2007 article: In fact, Ebell might see it as something to look forward to, an idea he floated in a September 28 2011 CEI blog post: A September 2016 article in Scientific American suggests that his appointment heralds big, divisive changes to to the EPA: The great irony of his appointment to lead the EPA transition is that he is lukewarm on the existence of the EPA in the first place. In fact, he once described Newt Gingrich's suggestion to abolish the EPA as bold and visionary. (en)