This warning about a Facebook group called Becoming a father or mother was the greatest gift of my life supposedly created by pedophiles whose aim is to access your photos first hit the Internet in January 2010 and has seen a number of periodic resurgences of circulation via social media ever since. However, this warning has never been anything more than a hoax: there wasn't a Facebook group named Becoming a father or mother was the greatest gift of my life in existence at the time the alert was first circulated, let alone one populated and run by pedophiles. (The warning didn't even make much sense in the form it was presented, as it offered no explanation about what harm could possibly result from strangers viewing online pictures of other people's children.) In May 2010, new life was breathed into the legpull by unknown pranksters who prefaced it with the claim that warnings about the purported pedophile-laden group had been vetted by Fox News: We saw this attempt to add an appearance of credibility to the phony warning rendered several different ways in just the space of four days:None of this is to say that people of ill intent don't sometimes use Facebook as a tool for establishing contact with potential young victims, but the repeated spreading of this faux warning isn't helping to keep anyone safe.