  • 2022-08-17 (xsd:date)
  • Free Daylight Donuts offer on Facebook is a scam (en)
  • A Facebook post advertising free delivery of a dozen donuts has been shared more than 88,000 times. But the offer is a scam, according to Daylight Donuts, the US company impersonated in the post. This week to celebrate 70 years of Daily Donoughts we want to treat everyone with a (free) box of Doughnuts, says an August 12, 2022 Facebook post , which misspells the name of the Oklahoma-headquartered chain. We're going to be sending each person who has shared&commented by the 15th of August a box 12 of doughnuts. Screenshot of a Facebook post taken August 16, 2022 The post attracted more than 42,000 comments. But the offer for free donuts is not valid, according to Jennie Bishop-Mueller, a customer service supervisor for the Daylight Donut Flour Company . This is a scam page and has been reported as spam, she said, adding that the company will not celebrate its 70th year until 2024. Each Daylight Donut shop is independently owned and operated, according to Bishop-Mueller, so discounts and offers vary by location. Many local stores have warned about the scam on Facebook. The page promoting the donut offer is not verified and was created the same day as the post, according to Facebook's page transparency tool. This screenshot taken August 16, 2022 shows the page transparency for an imposter Daylight Donuts Facebook account The official Facebook page for the Daylight Donuts Flour Company was set up in 2012. This screenshot taken August 17, 2022 shows the page transparency for the Daylight Donut Flour Company's Facebook account The post resembles other offers -- seemingly from well-known brands -- that AFP has previously debunked . Scammers commonly use the tactic on social media to obtain personal information. (en)