  • 2018-09-03 (xsd:date)
  • Was John McCain's Body Carried to Washington on Air Force Two? (en)
  • When Senator John McCain passed away from cancer in his home state of Arizona in August 2018, a memorial service was held for him in the capital city of Phoenix, then his remains were transported to Washington, D.C., to lie in the U.S. Capitol Rotunda. Another memorial service was held for the late senator in Washington before he was laid to rest at the U.S. Naval Academy Cemetery in Annapolis. One of the more prominent elements of the news coverage surrounding John McCain's death and funereal services was the disrespect that critics maintained President Donald Trump had shown towards the late senator, with whom Trump had feuded: It was something of a surprise to many onlookers, then, to learn afterwards that McCain's body had been flown to Washington on a U.S. government Boeing C-32A typically reserved for the use of the vice president or first lady -- an act which would typically require the approval of the President himself. It shouldn't have been a surprise, however, as President Trump had issued a statement days in advance (only after being pressured to do by intense public disapproval, critics maintained) accommodating the family's request by authorizing the use of military transport for Senator McCain's remains: Washington television station WUSA described the flight that carried John McCain to Washington for the last time: (en)