  • 2018-06-08 (xsd:date)
  • Most Austin city parks lack recycling though donations funded bins in biggest parks (en)
  • Despite’s Austin’s zero-waste commitment, an advocacy group says that nearly every city park lacks recycling. We wondered about that declaration by the Texas Campaign for the Environment , which describes itself as the state’s largest environmental group organizing support through door-to-door canvassing. An April 2018 handout from the group notes that the city adopted a zero-waste commitment in 2011 requiring businesses and landlords to provide recycling. The city has a goal of reducing trash sent to landfills by 90 percent by 2040. Unfortunately, the TCE handout says, the zero-waste requirement does not apply to city government operations and parks rank among big missed opportunities. As many as 293 out of 300 parks have no recycling, including almost every neighborhood park, the handout says. There’s also good news, the handout says, in that the city has launched recycling in every recreation and cultural center and in most of Austin’s biggest parks. Still, 293 of 300 parks, including nearly every neighborhood park, have no recycling? By email, Andrew Dobbs, the group’s Central Texas program director, said he based his statement on an April 2018 city staff presentation to Austin’s Parks and Recreation Board. A slide in the presentation says the city has 300 parks. Two subsequent slides say a pilot program has introduced recycling to Zilker, Town Lake, Walnut Creek, Bull Creek and Ramsay parks plus Walsh Boat Landing. Other slides say recycling also has been added to more than five city swimming pools, five of six city golf courses and two softball complexes. Dobbs told us the campaign knows of one other park with recycling bins thanks to a neighborhood association. The group’s handout, Dobbs said, says as many as 293 out of 300 parks have no recycling because we aren’t 100% certain if other parks might have recycling added on an ad hoc basis. Records show Austin’s Parks and Recreation Department made the recycling presentation to two city boards. By phone, we separately confirmed TCE’s count of parks without recycling from Charles Vaclavik, a parks department official, who told us that plans are in motion next to expand recycling mostly along the south side of Lady Bird Lake through Roy G. Guerrero Colorado River Park . Vaclavik said Austin’s parks-with-recycling count would be higher if the department had started its pilot recycling program in 2017 by concentrating on small neighborhood parks rather than installing recycling bins in large metropolitan parks the city’s jewel, 351-acre Zilker Park. We concentrated (instead) on the activity centers that have the most people, Vaclavik said, seeking a bigger bang for the buck. To date, he said, the recycling pilot has diverted about 35 percent of materials previously destined to move from trash cans to a landfill. Another factor: The city has yet to budget for recycling in its parks. Liana Kallivoka , the department’s assistant director, told the city’s Zero Waste Advisory Commission at its April 11, 2018, meeting that department officials were drafting a request for $250,000 in recycling-specific funding in the next city budget. If approved by the Austin City Council, Kallivoka said, the money would fund a program coordinator and hundreds of pairs of waste-recycling receptacles with tops, which run $1,100 each, to follow on 150 pairs already installed in park facilities and outdoors. Shelley Parks, a city spokeswoman, told us by phone that the cost of the installed bins was covered largely by donors including the Austin Parks Foundation , the Trail Foundation , neighborhood associations and the office of City Council Member Alison Alter , who represents District 10. Generally, Kallivoka told the commission, the department’s goal is to extend recycling to all parks and facilities in three phases wrapping up with the addition of recycling to neighborhood parks. Commission members approved a resolution calling for the city to create a Parks & Recreation Recycling Task Force. The resolution says, in part, that approximately 4 of 300 City of Austin parks and 14 of 51 City of Austin aquatic facilities currently provide recycling opportunities. Austin’s Parks and Recreation Board voted to urge creation of the same task force at its April 24, 2018, meeting. Dobbs also spoke to the commission, saying: The good news is that we’re at a point where everybody wants to do this. Our ruling TCE’s handout says that most of Austin’s biggest parks have recycling though as many as 293 out of 300 Austin city parks have no recycling, including almost every neighborhood park. City figures support this analysis. The city hasn’t funded a parks recycling program. We rate the statement True. TRUE – The statement is accurate and there’s nothing significant missing. Click here for more on the six PolitiFact ratings and how we select facts to check. Share the Facts 2018-06-08 20:29:54 UTC PolitiFact 6 1 7 PolitiFact Rating: True Says most of Austin’s biggest parks have recycling though as many as 293 out of 300 Austin city parks have no recycling, including almost every neighborhood park. Texas Campaign for the Environment Advocacy group Austin, Texas Thursday, April 26, 2018 2018-04-26 Read More info (en)