  • 2009-06-23 (xsd:date)
  • Col. Bud Day on Torture (en)
  • Example: [Collected via e-mail, June 2009] I thought you all might enjoy reading about what a Medal of Honor awardeeand former POW has to say about our current leader and what his definitionof torture is.This is from Bud Day, Medal of Honor winner and most highly decoratedliving American. His take is worth reading even though you may disagree.It is truly amazing that the former POWs are not part of the debate onthis subject that is consuming so much of the airwaves.Dear Kelly: Thanks for the heads up on the Medal of Honor spots. Some ofmy friends have seen it already and mentioned it. I sent a copy of my bookto Fox News in D.C., and wanted Sean Hannity to be able to talk about whattorture really is. He has no one on his side to talk about torture..whohas been tortured. He is free to quote from the many illustrations that Iprovided in my book Duty Honor CountryI got shot down over N Vietnam in 1967..a sq commander.After I returned in 1973.. I published 2 books that dealt a lot with realtorture in Hanoi. Our make believe president is branding our country as abunch of torturers when he has no idea what torture is.****e.g * as to me..put thru a mock execution cuz I wud notrespond...pistol whipped on the head...same event.. Couple of dayslater...hung by my feet all day.I escaped and got recaptured a couple of weeks later.. I got shot andrecaptured. Shot was OK...what happened after was not.They marched me to Vinh.. put me in the rope trick trick..almost pulled myarms out of the socketsBeat me on the head w/ a little wooden rod until my eyes were swelledshut, and my unshot unbroken hand a pulp.Next day hung me by the arms...rebroke my right wrist...wiped out thenerves in my arms that control the hands..rolled my fingers up into aball. Only left the slightest movement of my L forefinger. So I startedanswering w/ some incredible lies.Sent me to Hanoi strapped to a barrel of gas in the back of a truck.Hanoi..on my knees..rope trick again. Beaten by a big fool.Into leg irons on a bed in Heartbreak Hotel.Much kneeling--hands up at Zoo.Really bad beating for refuse to condemn Lyndon Johnson.Several more kneeling events. Cud see my knee bone thru kneeling holes.There was an escape from the annex to the Zoo. I was the Senior Officer ofa large buildingB-cuz of escape..they started a mass torture of all commanders.I tk it was July 7, 1969..they started beating me w/ a car fan belt. Infirst 2 days I took over 300 strokes..then stopped counting cuz I neverthought I wud live thru it.They continued day-nite torture to get me to confess to a non-existantpart in the escape. This went on for at least 3 days. On my knees..fanbelting.. cut open my scrotunm w/ fan belt stroke. opened up both kneeholes again. My fanny looked like hamburger..I cud not lie on my back.They tortured me into admitting that I was in on the escape..and that my 2room-mates nu about it.The next day I denied the lie.They commenced torturing me again with 3- 6- or 9 strokes of the fan beltevery day from about July 11 or 14 October 1969. I continued torefuse to lie about my roomates again.Now, the point of this is that our make-believe president has declared tothe world that we (U. S.) is a bunch of torturers.. thus it will be OK totorture us next time when they catch us....cuz that is what the U.S. does.Our make-believe president is a know nothing fool who thinks that pouringa little water on some one's face, or hanging a pair of womens pants overan Arabs head is TORTURE. He is a meathead.I just talked to MOH holder Leo Thorsness who was also in my sq in was John McCain..and we agree that McCain does not speak for the POWgroup when he claims that Al Ghrib ws torture.. or that water boardingis torture.Our president and those fools around him who keep bad mouthing our greatcountry are a disgrace to the United States. Please pass this info on toSean Hannity. He is free to use it to point out the stupidity of theclaims that water boarding ..which has no after torture. If itgot the Arab to cough up the story about how he planned the attack on thetwin towers in NYC...hurrah for the guy who poured the water.Col. Bud Day MOH Origins: Research in progress. (en)