In January 2022, the state of Florida released its annual list of vanity license plates that were requested by drivers, but rejected by the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FLHSMV). Sate law gives Florida's vehicle licensing authorities the latitude to reject plates deemed obscene or otherwise objectionable. In late January 2022, the agency released a list of 500 rejected plates. Some rejected plates are obviously obscene. Others are a bit too aggressive, perhaps, for the road. CUTABCH is one. DRUGMAN is another. Of course, more than one person tried to get a variation of the internet meme Deez Nuts. One rejected plate said YASSQWN. For reasons that elude us, one Florida motorist would have elected to drive around with plates that read FARTMAN had the motor vehicle bureau not intervened. In 2016, the South Florida Sun Sentinel did license plate graphic mock-ups of rejected plates. Some of them were obviously obscene or inappropriate, like one that contained a Nazi reference.