On April 18, 2022, a Facebook post was created as a warning, claiming that Bath & Body Works products can purportedly cause infertility and damage to organs. It referenced a safety data sheet for one product, listed as Bath & Body Works Wallflowers Home Fragrance Refill Winter Candy Apple. Safety data sheets are a type of document described as a hazard communication standard by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). The post also appeared to claim, without evidence, that companies like Bath & Body Works pay the Environmental Working Group (EWG) to obtain favorable ratings for its products. Examples of some of these ratings are available on the EWG website. By email, a Bath & Body Works spokesperson provided the following statement in response to the post: The original post appeared like this: The viral Facebook post about Bath & Body Works with the claim about infertility was on track to be shared more than 100,000 times. It read as follows: We would like to let our readers know that we are aware of this viral post about Bath & Body Works and are looking into the social media claims that the company's products can potentially cause infertility and damage to organs. We are also seeking answers regarding the post's claim that favorable ratings can be purchased from the EWG. As with all of our reporting, finding the truth behind rumors can take time. We contacted Bath & Body Works about the rumors of infertility, damage to organs, and other claims made in the post. Their statement is printed near the beginning of this article. We also reached out to the EWG and are looking for more data on the various aspects of the post. This article will be updated when we have concluded our research.