  • 2022-02-09 (xsd:date)
  • Old Modi speech resurfaces in false posts ahead of Indian local elections (en)
  • A video has been viewed hundreds of thousands of times in social media posts that claim it shows Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi accusing the main opposition Indian National Congress party of corruption in a speech ahead of local elections in the Indian state of Goa in February 2022. The claim is false; the video actually shows Modi speaking in November 2016. All the Congress leaders panicked after listening to PM Modi's speech in Goa today, reads a Hindi Facebook post shared on January 19, 2022. This is a three-minute clip, please watch. Modi says that I'll know the kind of people whom I've made my enemies but I don’t care, I'll dig out all the corrupt ones. The clip has been viewed more than 540,000 times. It shows Modi pledging to put an end to corruption and dishonesty in this country. I will expose all the fraud you have committed since India's independence. Those who have money earned from fraud, just consider it a piece of paper, he says. Screenshot of the misleading post ( Uzair RIZVI) The posts circulated ahead of local elections in February 2022 in the west Indian state of Goa -- where Modi's Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is in power -- and four other Indian states. The video circulated alongside a similar claim on Facebook here and here ; on Twitter here and here ; and on YouTube here and here . Comments on the misleading posts suggest some people believed the video was recent. One user wrote: So, it begins--Goa elections. Once again Modi government in Goa, another wrote. However, the claim is false. A reverse image search followed by keyword searches found a longer version of the clip posted on November 13, 2016 on BJP's official YouTube channel. PM's speech at launch of various projects in Goa: 13.11.2016, reads the title of the hour-long video. The extract of Modi's speech seen in misleading posts stars at the 59:23 mark . The video was also uploaded to Modi's YouTube channel on November 13, 2016. Below is a comparison of the video in the misleading post (left) and the video on BJP's official YouTube account (right). Screenshot comparison of the video in misleading post (L) and the BJP's video from 2016 (R) During his visit to Goa in November 2016, Modi talked about the demonetisation of 500 ($6) and 100 rupee notes, a policy he had announced on November 8, 2016 in a televised speech from his office in Delhi, in a bid to curtail corruption and black money. His visit to Goa was widely covered by Indian media outlets, including The Hindu and Indian Express . (en)