On 15 August 2016 Facebook user Joe Amos shared photographs of automobiles labeled Mutation Response Vehicle (MRV), purportedly spotted by a friend of his near Longwood, Florida: Amos appeared to be simply perplexed by the unusual trucks, but the photographs were quickly noticed by conspiracy forums and inspired YouTube videos questioning their origins: We contacted police in Longwood to ask whether they were aware of the Mutation Response Vehicles, but a traffic officer told us he hadn't heard the rumors (nor spotted the vehicles) although he was on the road all day, and a police sergeant was similarly unfamiliar with the claim. However, a YouTube commenter quickly located the source of the trucks. Pathogen Trackers offered some explanation (alongside images of the same vehicles) that wasn't easily parsed by the general public, but the site made reference to Burning Man's Black Rock City and described a purpose consistent with participation in that annual desert festival: Two videos (neither of which is embeddable) explain that the Mutation Response Vehicles were created for use at the Burning Man festival and have nothing to do with any potential disease outbreaks or public health agencies.