Fraudsters often use Facebook to advertise fake jobs and learnerships to unemployed people – often to con them out of an application fee . And Africa Check has exposed dozens of these scams . An ad offering learnerships at South Africa’s Khanye Colliery in 2020 was recently posted on Facebook. And it was tagged as possibly false by the social network’s fact-checking system . But it turns out that this time, the ad is not a scam. Khanye Colliery is an open-cast coal mine in Bronkhortspruit, in Gauteng province. It’s the flagship mine of Canyon Coal , a South African coal exploration, mining and processing company. A learnership is an apprenticeship recognised by the South African Qualifications Authority . Canyon Coal advertising on social media The ad – and others like it – also appears on Canyon Coal’s website , under the header Khanye Colliery bursary, learnership & internship applications 2020. Africa Check spoke to Nomfundo Mkhwebani, human resources administrator at Canyon Coal. Mkhwebani confirmed that the learnerships are real, and advertised on Canyon Coal’s official Facebook and Twitter pages. The learnerships start in 2020. – Butchie Seroto