  • 2021-03-25 (xsd:date)
  • No scientific evidence mixture of apple, carrots, lemon, ginger is a remedy for snoring (en)
  • Snoring, also called snoring, is defined as a noise that occurs during sleep, begins an incoherent message on Facebook that claims to have a remedy for, yes, snoring. The remedy’s ingredients are two green apples, two carrots, a lemon and a slice of ginger, all cut up and blended. After obtaining a homogeneous mixture you will only need to consume this drink every night before sleeping, the message says . People destroy their marriage just because of the snoring, woman and man. Snoring is a big problem in our families. NB: children can also use. Is this claim correct? Not scientifically proven The remedy has not been scientifically proven, Samuel Adoga, a professor of ear, nose, throat, head and neck surgery at Nigeria’s University of Jos , told Africa Check. The causes of snoring in children and adults vary. Children who have enlarged adenoids or tonsils may snore. In adults, alcohol consumption, unhealthy weight and respiratory infections such as the common cold are some causes. He added: There are various solutions to snoring. Children battling with enlarged adenoids or tonsils would need to undergo an operation. To treat snoring in adults, a doctor will first ask the individual to either lose weight, avoid alcohol, or change their sleeping position – particularly, avoid sleeping on their back. Adoga said people who snored should seek medical advice from a doctor, instead of relying on herbal mixtures. (en)