As the 2016 school year and the election primary cycles wound to a close in California, they inevitably congealed into political brouhahas that entangled even young students. One such controversy involved the case of third-grader Logan Autry and his Make America Great Again hat: The Fresno Unified School District's dress codes for the 2015-2016 school year are fairly easy to track down online, and they haven't changed much (if at all) from those of previous years: What many stories didn't mention was that Logan Autry wore the hat for several days before the school, seeing it as a potential distraction, intervened and told him to remove it: Logan told reporters that wearing the hat at school is his First Amendment right. However, the right to free speech is interpreted (by courts and others) somewhat differently in public schools than outside them. The National Coalition Against Censorship has a rundown of how the First Amendment is interpreted within the classroom: Other quotes from Logan present a fuller picture of the third-grader's political views: The debate was made moot not long after the controversy began when the Autry family's dog tore the controversial hat to pieces.