On 20 December 2016, several social media users claimed that former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani was suspended from Twitter. The rumor is based on the suspension of @RudolphGiuliani, a Twitter account that frequently posted about #Pizzagate, a baseless (but complicated) conspiracy theory about a massive pedophilia ring was being run out a Washington, D.C. pizzeria. Shortly before this account was suspended on 20 December 2016, it published an image purporting to be an official statement from Giuliani about the conspiracy theory: While it is true that the @RudolphGiuliani account was suspended by Twitter on 20 December 2016 after posting several messages about Pizzagate, this account was not affiliated with the former mayor of New York. The @RudolphGiuliani account was not verified, and this statement was not posted via any official channels. Giuliani also doesn't have an official Twitter account. In November 2016, another Giuliani parody (@rudygiulianiGOP) made the news when NBC's Chuck Todd questioned the former Mayor about a fake tweet. Guiliani said that he was aware of at least four accounts that post hoax content in his name: