  • 2015-04-07 (xsd:date)
  • The White House Put Passages From The Koran In The Easter Egg Hunt (en)
  • Origins: On 6 April 2015, the web site Duh Progressive published an article reporting that the White House used passages from the Quran during its annual Easter Egg Roll event for youngsters: Political correctness run amuck? An attempt at religious conversion on a most sacred day in Christianity? Or a cruel joke from some prankster on the White House staff? Regardless, many attendees of the annual White House Easter Egg Roll did not return from Monday's festivities at the White House with the fondest of memories this year. Instead, according to scores of parents and children who attended the 137-year-old event, they returned from their time at the White House and the Easter eggs they hunted for and rolled with very upsetting messages from the world of Islam!Yes. While many families (nearly 35,000 people in total gathered on the South Lawn of the White House) opened plastic Easter eggs scattered around the White House grounds, which usually encapsulate cute gifts for their children or bunny-shaped bites of grilled tofu, courtesy of Michelle Obamas kitchen staff, many — but not all — children opened plastic Easter eggs bearing none other strips of paper with incendiary excerpts from the Muslim Koran and the Hadith. Although the Duh Progressive article was written like an authentic news story (it included photos from the White House and manipulated images of children pulling Quran passages from plastic eggs), this story was a work of fiction. Duh Progressive, whose slogan is Humor + Politics = Power, states that their aim is to be a conservative outlet for satirical news: From the Smothers Brothers to Saturday Night Live, late night talk shows, Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert, to Hollywood films and standup comedy, the Left has hands-down owned the playing field of political humor for decades. The Left ownes pop culture, which unfortunately influences how most people vote today. What Duh Progressive is here to do is prove that two can play at this political mockery and ridicule shit. Were hardly the only ones on the Right doing this, but we seek to be the best at it, sometimes fighting fire with fire via our more crass, edgy brand of (attempted) humor. Despite the fact that Duh Progessive clearly states their satirical intentions in its Mission Statement, numerous readers were fooled by the article. Duh Progessive took to Facebook to clarify that the White House did not use passages from the Quran during its annual Easter egg hunt: (en)