  • 2018-05-01 (xsd:date)
  • Did a Man Discover He Was Paying a Bridge's Electric Bill? (en)
  • On 30 April 2018, the Cincinnati Enquirer published the tale of Marty Boyer, a business owner who had in November 2017 acquired a local Kentucky theatrical supply company named Theatre House, only to find out (five months in to his ownership) that he had been paying the electricity bill for the lights of a nearby Ohio River bridge. His story, originally told in a lengthy Facebook post, was picked up by the Enquirer, ultimately leading the energy company to correct and fix the incident that Boyer had been fighting for months: The news report and subsequent apology, the details of which we have verified with Duke Energy, capped a lengthy and frustrating effort by Boyer to find out where a series of mystery electric meters being billed to his business were located, why he was paying for them, and how he could stop paying for them. As it turned out, not even Duke Energy knew, originally, the whereabouts of three mystery meters being billed to Boyer, as he described: Perhaps not shockingly, shutting off these meters did nothing to the electrical situation within the Boyer’s business. But, as a Duke Energy electrician who showed up at those three unclaimed meters informed him the next day, they actually powered the lights to the nearby Clay Wade Bailey Bridge, which crosses the Ohio river: Feeling that victory was imminent, Boyer called Duke and asked that he be disconnected from the meters that, by Duke’s own admission, should have been billed to the Kentucky Department of Transportation. Instead, Duke Energy had to investigate further, even asking Boyer to figure out whom they might contact at the Kentucky Department of Transportation: It wasn’t until after the Enquirer published Boyer’s account on 30 April 2018 that Duke Energy took action. Speaking to us via email, Boyer told us that he and Duke have now begun to work out the details of refunding his account for the extra bills, which he said added about $200.00 to his monthly costs. As noted in the Enquirer, Boyer faced serious skepticism every time he told his story: Everyone was like, this would be on, and I'm like, no, this is real, Boyer said. (en)