  • 2015-03-20 (xsd:date)
  • 'If people have guns, they are pretty likely to commit a crime' (en)
  • On 19 March 2015, a Reddit user posted a quote to a discussion thread about firearms. That thread linked to a series of anti-gun statements reportedly made by American politicians, and the quote attributed to Vermont state senator Mary Ann Carlson generated a good deal of outrage on social media following its recirculation via that platform: The collection of quotes linked on Reddit was published in mid-2014, but the comment credited to Carlson had begun circulating online far earlier. The earliest version we've found so far dates to 2002, but many variations of it have been posted in the intervening years, all without providing any additional information about source or context. Although the quote first surfaced as early as 2002, Carlson had not served as a Vermont state senator for almost a decade prior to that. A 2013 article quoted Carlson on the matter of gun control and reported that she had lost a re-election bid nearly twenty years earlier (in 1994), in part due to her attempt to introduce gun control legislation in that state: Back in 2003, well before Reddit took note of the Carlson's putative controversial statement, a local political blog had debated its veracity. Carlson responded to that debate and confirmed that the quote attributed to her was a fabrication: (en)