In September 2017, following the arrival of Hurricane Irma in the Caribbean and Florida, several reports emerged featuring remarkable photographs and videos that appeared to show beaches in the Bahamas and Florida devoid of water. The Huffington Post wrote: The Atlantic wrote: The Atlantic included the same video as the Huffington Post, but attributed it to Twitter user @Kaydi_K, even though it was posted two hours earlier by @Piznack. It's not clear who owns this particular video. These videos appear to show a real meteorological phenomenon called negative surge. Jamie Rhome, a storm surge specialist at the National Hurricane Center, confirmed to us that Hurricane Irma had caused negative surge. Rhome told us that the phenomenon occurs when Winds ahead of the storm blow the water off the coast. Receding tides could play a role in this phenomenon, but according to Rhome, hurricane-strength winds are the key force at play.