  • 2007-08-17 (xsd:date)
  • Were Muslim Girls Buried Alive by Their Father, Then Fed and Comforted by Jesus? (en)
  • We first encountered this story in April 2004 when it began to land in the inbox. It has since come to us labeled News from Egypt, Miracle in Egypt, and Murder Miracle in Egypt! The story, as appealing as it may be, appears to have nothing to it. Despite the tale's claim that The country is outraged over the incident, and the man will be executed, we found no news reports from Egypt about a man's murdering his wife and burying her along with his two still-alive daughters, let alone about the two little girls' being nurtured below ground by Jesus for 15 days before being rescued from their premature graves: Example: [Collected via e-mail, May 2004] As to where the story came from, while a number of the forwards identify as the writer of the e-mail a woman whose husband is a Christian pastor who runs a Muslim outreach program in the U.S. (and therefore as the one both providing and vouching for the story), some of the earliest versions that bear her name led off with this now-elided paragraph: A careful reading of that preface provides the information that the putative author did not pen the written account now so often attributed to her — the piece was instead something her husband received from an unnamed source. As for confirming details with family in Egypt, we can only guess what got asked and how it was answered. Variations: A December 2007 version added the information that the Muslim man killed his wife because she was reading the Bible. (en)