  • 2022-12-08 (xsd:date)
  • Charlie Kirk Reads Messages From Georgians Bragging About Not... (en)
  • Charlie Kirk Reads Messages From Georgians Bragging About Not Voting? Claim On December 7 2022, Charlie Kirk read out several emails from voters in Georgia, stating that they elected not to vote because no longer trust elections. Rating True Like this fact check? Reporting On December 8 2022, two Imgur accounts shared screenshots of a popular tweet which claimed that right-wing pundit and disinformation purveyor Charlie Kirk spent the first hour of his online show reading emails from his listeners who said they didn’t vote in Georgia because they believe there’s too much fraud: Charlie Kirk has spent the first hour of his show reading emails from his listeners who said they didn't vote in Georgia because they believe there's too much fraud, a message they heard on the Charlie Kirk show — Madeline Peltz (@peltzmadeline) December 7, 2022 One of the Imgur posts included an image based caption: Classic ‘leopards ate my face’ moment by the Republicans. That phrase was online political slang derived from a viral October 2015 tweet mentioning the Leopards Eating People’s Faces Party: 'I never thought leopards would eat MY face,' sobs woman who voted for the Leopards Eating People's Faces Party. Florida is where wokes go to die... Please enable JavaScript Florida is where wokes go to die — Adrian Bott (@Cavalorn) October 16, 2015 That analogy rapidly became shorthand on social media, leading to the creation of the popular subreddit r/LeopardsAteMyFace . One repeated example type involved supporters of former United States President Donald Trump whose loved ones were deported under his immigration policies: Trump Supporter whose husband was then deported forced to close family restaurant where he was the chef; This isn’t what I voted for from LeopardsAteMyFace CBP officer and Trump voter who dutifully deported people for technicalities loses citizenship and is denied green card when he finds out he was actually born in Mexico. (alt: Leopard who happily ate faces is shocked and appalled when his own face is eaten by his own uh... leopard pack?) from LeopardsAteMyFace Elderly Trump supporter’s wife deported after her refugee status is denied, red hat now working with Democrat Senator for her return from LeopardsAteMyFace The December 7 2022 tweet by Madeline Peltz of liberal media analysis site Media Matters for America (MMFA) referenced an episode of Kirk’s show airing at the time the tweet was published. As Peltz indicated, Kirk read out several emails from people claiming to be registered voters in Georgia disclosing their decision to not participate in the December 2022 Georgia runoff election between the Democratic Party’s Raphael Warnock and the GOP’s Herschel Walker. Peltz also tweeted a segment of Kirk’s show where he attempted to sell voting to an audience which had been consistently advised, and for years on end, that the process was corrupt. In it, Kirk claimed he briefly pondered whether his vote matters before casting it: He says it's immoral to not vote after bragging about being in the viral election denial movie 2000 Mules — Madeline Peltz (@peltzmadeline) December 7, 2022 Kirk read from several emails in the first half-hour of the show. One emailer said they proudly didn’t vote, because every vote is a vote for a corrupt decision, and another voter claimed that they persuaded many fellow Republicans not to vote — and they were cheering for a collapse of the United States. More than one email sender accused Kirk of being a RINO, or a R epublican I n N ame O nly, a popular epithet among the far right; Kirk also read an email from someone who said Republicans need to wake up because they (presumably, but not necessarily, referring to Democrats) have perfected cheating. A visibly exasperated Kirk then tried to reconcile years of efforts to erode public trust in elections with energizing registered Republicans to vote, claiming that Republicans had suffered a net loss of 700,000 votes based on two previous elections. Roughly 25 minutes in, Kirk read and responded to several emails on-air, trying to convince his listeners that the constant drumbeat of falsehoods undermining voting could co-exist with healthy voter turnout: I’m all for fixing mail-in ballots, signature verification, the machines, all that stuff ... someone says here, it’s not the people’s fault [turnout was poor], we highly respect you ... It is the people’s fault if you don’t show up and vote, and you allow cynicism to take over your whole attitude ... by the way, how are you going to fix elections if you’re not in political power? Someone says Charlie, how can we compete with the Democrats of getting ballots? Well, showing up to vote and at least pretending you believe in the system would be helpful. It was not necessary to watch Kirk’s December 7 2022 to observe his listeners rejecting his pleas about voting. Kirk shared at least one screenshot of an email he read on the air, and replies showed evidence of a sustained lack of faith in American elections : Why keep voting if they are just going to dump ballots in the middle of the night to cheat? — Mushroom Chronicles (@MushroomChron) December 7, 2022 I'm done voting outside of local and presidential elections. The last 4 years have shown me that, for the most part, it's a waste of time. The elites pick who they want, and that's who they get. — JMD84 (@JMD198484) December 7, 2022 But what if he’s right and the whole system is totally fraudulent now — Wrinkle Brained (@WindintheDust) December 8, 2022 It’s over Charlie. It’s devastating but it’s true. — Victoria (@Vittoriac410) December 8, 2022 It's adorable that you think votes actually count any more. — DannyCarlton (@DannyWCarlton) December 7, 2022 We can vote as much as we want but who’s counting them matters and until that is fixed it doesn’t matter if we vote or not they will install who they want!!! The machines run on programs, they are corrupted, we need election integrity! Paper Ballots! — VK🌴ng (@Freedom92179458) December 8, 2022 Kinda hard when we know the fix is in. — Pegasus (@SV_Pegasus) December 7, 2022 Kirk was briefly mentioned in a December 8 2022 piece about Republican losses in 2022. Other party voices expressed the same frustration about how years of messaging appeared to have backfired: Republican states are rightly taking steps to ensure elections are safe and secure. Our problem now is a messaging and operational one. We start by throwing out the Trump B.S. lies and telling people the truth about their votes and the power of their vote, said a Republican strategist who worked on the Georgia midterm election. Who would have imagined telling people, ‘the election is rigged’ and then asking them to vote wouldn’t work? [...] Republicans spent an inordinate amount of time complaining about and suing over election rules, said Kevin McLaughlin, the former Executive Director of the National Republican Senatorial Committee for the 2020 election cycle and director of GOP-aligned nonprofit the Common Sense Leadership Fund. Imagine how effective we would be if we spent even half that time developing a strategy, and, call me crazy, turning out voters. Peltz’s viral tweet described the belief there was too much fraud as a message [prospective Republican voters] heard on the Charlie Kirk show. A November 30 2022 Alternet piece published before the Georgia runoff linked to 2020 tweets by Kirk questioning the integrity of elections. A search for rigged and ballots in tweets by Kirk returned similar commentary : The same people who spent the last 4 years falsely saying Russians rigged our elections are now saying there’s no way an election could be rigged by illegal ballots and voter fraud. How does that work? — Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) November 6, 2020 Trump: I will immediately demand voter ID, same day voting, and only paper ballots. — Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) November 16, 2022 Why haven’t the any of the 2,000 mules who committed multiple crimes surrounding widespread ballot trafficking in the 2020 Election been arrested yet? 🤔 — Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) May 9, 2022 BREAKING: Chain of Custody forms for nearly 25% of ballots from Fulton County Georgia drop boxes are not accounted for That constitutes over 18,000 ballots with missing, legally-required documentation Audit everything. — Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) June 14, 2021 Why is no one talking about the fact that a judge in Fulton County who regularly donates to Democrats signed off on a forensic audit of Georgia ballots after reading sworn affidavits outlining allegations of voter fraud & irregularities? 🤔 — Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) June 8, 2021 If they planned on counting thousands of ballots in the middle of the night in Georgia, why would they tell the public they weren't? 🤔 — Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) December 4, 2020 Ballot counters in Georgia mysteriously pulled suitcases full of ballots out from underneath tables AFTER sending everyone else home for the night These were counted in secret and it’s all caught on camera I would say this qualifies as evidence RT! — Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) December 3, 2020 Isn't it convenient that, in a New York congressional race with a Republican only up by 12 votes, a batch of 55 ballots is suddenly found — one month after election day, no less. 🤔 — Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) December 2, 2020 BOOM: A Pennsylvania court just invalidated 2,349 absentee ballots in Allegheny County where the voter didn't date their declaration This is huge. This election isn't over yet. Keep fighting! — Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) November 19, 2020 BREAKING: Floyd County, GA has just terminated their election director after the continuous stream of found ballots What is going on in Georgia? Where is the FBI? RT! — Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) November 19, 2020 If Georgia found 2,600 missing ballots during their audit in a solidly blue county, I wonder how many there will be in all the Trump & swing counties across the state? 🤔 — Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) November 16, 2020 Why is the rate of rejection for mail-in ballots 30 times lower than historical averages in Pennsylvania this year? Just 951 mail-in ballots out of 2,614,011 cast were rejected. Were they even checking the ballots? — Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) November 14, 2020 If Joe Biden wanted to heal and unite the country he should support a full investigation into fraudulent ballots and demand a recount and even a revote in some states. RT if you agree! — Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) November 10, 2020 The Postal Service is reportedly punishing the Pennsylvania ballot fraud whistleblower over his sworn affidavit that he was ordered to backdate PA ballots What happened to Democrats' relentless defense of whistleblowers? What changed? — Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) November 10, 2020 Why would Pennsylvania Democrats sue to stop GOP poll observers from monitoring the ballot counting in Philadelphia if they have nothing to hide? — Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) November 5, 2020 Several of the tweets above were from November and December 2020, as former U.S. President Donald Trump falsely claimed over and over that the election had been rigged in order to cause his loss. In addition to parroting the claims, Kirk repeatedly urged followers to retweet his comments. A December 2022 reply to Kirk (above) referenced ballots dumped in the middle of the night. On November 6 2020, Kirk tweeted the exact same claim about the 2020 election: Why does it always seem like Joe Biden can only seem to take the lead in counted ballots in the middle of the night? — Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) November 6, 2020 A popular December 7 2022 tweet claimed that right-wing talk show host Charlie Kirk spent the first hour of his show reading emails from his listeners who said they didn’t vote in Georgia because they believe there’s too much fraud, a message they heard on the Charlie Kirk show. Kirk not only read the emails out, but tweeted at least one of the emails. In response, Kirk’s followers commonly claimed they no longer had faith in elections, and so they would not vote. Article Sources + Charlie Kirk has spent the first hour of his show reading emails from his listeners who said they didn't vote in Georgia because they believe there's too much fraud, a message they heard on the Charlie Kirk show | Imgur Charlie Kirk has spent the first hour of his show reading emails from his listeners who said they didn't vote in Georgia because they believe there's too much fraud, a message they heard on the Charlie Kirk show | Imgur Charlie Kirk has spent the first hour of his show reading emails from his listeners who said they didn't vote in Georgia because they believe there's too much fraud, a message they heard on the Charlie Kirk show | Twitter 'I never thought leopards would eat MY face,' sobs woman who voted for the Leopards Eating People's Faces Party. | @cavalorn/Twitter r/LeopardsAteMyFace Republicans have a post-election epiphany on mail voting Democrats should be livid. This is a rigged game to protect the ruling class Thank goodness the GOP is a true grassroots party where ANY voice or person can win Democrats corruption will not allow fair or free elections | Charlie Kirk/Twitter The same people who spent the last 4 years falsely saying Russians rigged our elections are now saying there’s no way an election could be rigged by illegal ballots and voter fraud. How does that work? | Charlie Kirk/Twitter BREAKING: A mail carrier was just charged with attempted election fraud after changing party affiliations on mail-in ballots Still think there aren't any issues with rigged elections due to mail-in voting? RT so the media has to report on the DANGERS of mail-in voter FRAUD! | Twitter Trump: I will immediately demand voter ID, same day voting, and only paper ballots. | Charlie Kirk/Twitter Why haven’t the any of the 2,000 mules who committed multiple crimes surrounding widespread ballot trafficking in the 2020 Election been arrested yet? | Charlie Kirk/Twitter BREAKING: Chain of Custody forms for nearly 25% of ballots from Fulton County Georgia drop boxes are not accounted for That constitutes over 18,000 ballots with missing, legally-required documentation Audit everything. | Charlie Kirk/Twitter Posted in Disinformation , Fact Checks Tagged charlie kirk , charlie kirk election denial , charlie kirk emails , election deniers , election disinformation , georgia runoff , leopards ate my face , mmfa , viral tweets (en)