It is well known that New York Times political columnist Maureen Dowd is not a fan of President-elect Donald Trump (nor he of her, for that matter, having called Dowd wacky and a neurotic dope in angry tweets), so Facebook users were quite surprised to see blurbs in their news feeds a month or so after the election for an column in which she seemingly hailed Trump's election as a welcome corrective to eight years of rule by liberal Democrats: It continues in that vein. Not to minimize the pleasure Trump voters must have felt reading such an articulate defense of their choice of candidates, but Maureen Dowd did not, in fact, write the bulk of that column, even though it carried her byline. Some of the folks who copied and pasted it onto their Facebook pages omitted critical paragraphs at the beginning of the article announcing that what was to follow was written by a member of Dowd's own little basket of deplorables, as I call my conservative family — her Republican brother, Kevin. Here's an excerpt from that introduction: The column can be read in its entirety here.