  • 2021-12-21 (xsd:date)
  • Does This Video Show Typhoon Odette Hitting The Philippines? (en)
  • A video shared on Facebook claims to show Typhoon Odette hitting the Philippines. Verdict: False While the video is from the Philippines, it shows Typhoon Goni in 2020, not Typhoon Odette in 2021. Fact Check: Typhoon Odette, also known as Super Typhoon Rai, hit the Philippines this week, causing substantial damage and loss of life, according to CNN . Some social media users have been sharing a video of what appears to be typhoon-level rain and winds, claiming it shows the effects of Odette. Typhoon Odette, reads the video’s caption. Happening now in Maasin, Southern Leyte. (RELATED: Did Joe Biden Threaten To ‘Cancel All US Visas To Be Issued In The Philippines’?) While the video does show the effects of a typhoon in the Philippines, it does not show Odette. Through a reverse image search, Check Your Fact discovered the video actually depicts Typhoon Goni, also known as Typhoon Rolly , in the Philippines, which hit the country last year, according to BBC News ., a Filipino news outlet, posted the video on its Facebook page on Nov. 1, 2020. The situation of #RollyPH in Buhi, Camarines Sur, where Tropical Cyclone Wind Signal #4 has been raised as of 11 a.m, reads the caption of the video. The Manila Standard, a Filipino news outlet, also published the video as part of a report about the 2020 typhoon. The typhoon killed at least 20 people and caused significant damage to the region, according to the Filipino news outlet Rappler . Check Your Fact has previously debunked claims related to the Philippines. In October, Check Your Fact debunked a Facebook post claiming to show Manila Bay before and after the Duterte administration. (en)