  • 2017-12-06 (xsd:date)
  • Did Queen Elizabeth Remove the Obamas from Royal Wedding Guest List? (en)
  • The official guest list for the royal wedding of Britain's Prince Harry and Meghan Markle had not been released as of early December 2017, but that didn't stop disreputable web sites from inventing politically-charged stories about who would and wouldn't be invited. The pro-Trump fake news site Just News USA reported on 3 December 2017 that despite kissing up to the royal family and trying to sneak an invitation to Harry's wedding, former United States President and First Lady Barack and Michelle Obama had been personally removed from the guest list by Queen Elizabeth: Several other sites, including the consistently unreliable, published slightly rearranged versions of the same article. For example: There was no basis in fact for any of these claims. As of 30 November (just a few days before these reports began appearing), word from Kensington Palace was that the guest list was still in the early stages of being compiled, according to the Telegraph, and the royal betrothed would have primary input into who would be on that list. No mainstream news sources in England or anywhere else reported that the Obamas were on the outs with Queen Elizabeth, nor that the queen intended to disinvite them or other potential wedding guests. As a matter of fact, if anyone were likely to be disinvited, it would probably have been President Trump, judging from the Telegraph's report, for two reasons: one, because it would go against the established precedent, which is not to invite sitting U.S. presidents to British royal weddings; and two, because bride-to-be Meghan Markle, who is an American, is not a big fan of Trump, whom she has called misogynistic and divisive. The Obamas, on the other hand, have enjoyed a comparatively warm relationship with the royal family ever since 2009, when the then-First Lady broke with protocol and hugged the queen during their first meeting. Barack Obama was seen hanging out with groom-to-be Prince Harry as recently as May 2017: A 27 November 2017 article in Newsweek told a story very different from what would be reported by Just News USA and other fake news sites days later: In the end, neither President Trump nor President Obama was invited, for reasons explained by the Palace: (en)