A video shared on Facebook allegedly shows two Russian helicopters being shot down over the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv. Verdict: False The footage comes from an open-world military simulator. The footage has nothing to do with the ongoing Ukraine-Russia crisis. Fact Check: The Ukrainian military claims to have destroyed 97 Russian aircraft, 121 helicopters and 24 aerial drones as of March 21, according to The Wall Street Journal . The country’s air defense forces, most of it left over from the Soviet collapse, have proven to be effective in the conflict, the outlet reported. The 10-minute Facebook video shows multiple helicopters firing on an unidentified city as ground troops and anti-aircraft artillery attempt to down them. Two helicopters of the Russian Military were shot down near Kiev, the caption reads. (RELATED: Does This Video Show A Russian Fighter Jet Being Shot Down In Ukraine?) A reverse image search found that the footage actually depicts gameplay from ARMA 3 , a military-style video game published by Bohemia Interactive . The video was posted March 4 on YouTube with the title Two helicopters of the Russian Military were shot down near Kiev | ARMA 3: Military Simulator. The Facebook video and the YouTube video share the same title, though the Facebook post removed the words ARMA 3: Military Simulator. The YouTube channel that originally posted the video, called Milsim Studio , has published several videos depicting combat in ARMA 3, including simulations of Russian jets and tanks being destroyed by anti-artillery fire. Several videos of gameplay footage from ARMA 3 have been misattributed to the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. Check Your Fact recently debunked a video that claimed to show a Russian KA-52 Alligator helicopter being destroyed.