  • 2015-05-17 (xsd:date)
  • Is This a Picture of an 'Amazingly Beautiful' Blood Clot? (en)
  • A photograph that popped up on social media in May 2015 was described as a picture of a blood clot removed from an 80-year-old patient after he presented with a 2-day-long nosebleed. According to the accompanying text, the patient coded shortly after arrival at an emergency room, and a blood clot that went from his nose down his airway and into his lungs was removed via intubation: The photograph was shared by Kevin Kimberlin, an EMT who told us that the patient was treated at a hospital he transports to, and that the picture was taken by a friend of his who worked on the patient. In November 2018, the New England Journal of Medicine website posted a similar photograph of an intact cast of the right bronchial tree that was spontaneously expectorated by a patient during an extreme bout of coughing: (en)