  • 2015-05-12 (xsd:date)
  • Did CNN's Brooke Baldwin Say Military Veterans Can't Be Trusted with Authority? (en)
  • In April 2015, a rumor started circulating online holding that CNN reporter Brooke Baldwin had said, Don't hire veterans. They can't be trusted with authority: In later versions, this rumor was presented as Baldwin's having said, Don't hire veterans. They're too damaged to be trusted with authority: Baldwin, however, never said this. The quote Don't hire veterans, they can't be trusted with authority is a very loose paraphrase of a passage from her 28 April 2015 interview with Rep. Elijah Cummings of Maryland about the importance of police training: Baldwin's actual comment about how some veterans might not make good police officers because some of them are coming back from war [and] they don't know the communities, and they're ready to do battle was rather far from the claim that she had stated Don't hire veterans, they can't be trusted with authority. Still, many viewers (and many who didn't even see the interview) found Baldwin's words to be offensive. Shortly after the interview aired, Baldwin issued an apology via Twitter: Baldwin also clarified her comments and issued an on-air apology the following morning: (en)