  • 2018-01-26 (xsd:date)
  • Were $4 Million and Two Dead Bodies Found in a Democratic Mayor’s Storage Unit? (en)
  • On 1 January 2018, the Ladies of Liberty web site published an article reporting that the FBI had found $4 million in cash and two bodies in a storage unit belonging to the Democratic mayor of a Missouri town: None of this was true. There is no town by the name of Goose Rapids in the state of Missouri, and Mayor Stephen Stormin' Foreman is likewise fictional. The photograph of an FBI agent and a sheriff that accompanied the article was actually an unrelated picture from a 2016 child abuse investigation. This story originated with Ladies of Liberty, a site that is part of a network of fake news sites dedicated to spreading political misinformation under the guise of proffering satire. A similar fake story from the same network posited that a raid on a Tennessee congressman's property had turned up a meth lab and fourteen pounds of methamphetamine. (en)