  • 2020-04-08 (xsd:date)
  • Did SCOTUS Rule Trump Can Remove Chuck Schumer from the Senate? –... (en)
  • Did SCOTUS Rule Trump Can Remove Chuck Schumer from the Senate? Claim The Supreme Court (SCOTUS) ruled President Trump has the authority to remove Sen. Chuck Schumer from the Senate. Rating Not True Like this fact check? Reporting In early April 2020, an apparent article headlined SCOTUS Rules Trump Can Remove Chuck Schumer from Senate circulated through individual Facebook posts and groups. One iteration was shared to the group People for the secession of Upstate New York from the downstate region on April 7 2020: That post pointed to an odd domain — — where a March 16 2020 post bylined to admin read, in part: Chuck Schumer made a tremendous mistake when he took his pro-abortion stance too far by threatening members of the Supreme Court. When he shouted that Justices Kavanaugh and Gorsuch would regret it if they pushed through their god-fearing and moral position on the right to life of the unborn, he opened up a can of worms that cannot be closed ... In a 7-2 decision, the Supreme Court has ruled in favor of making use of Article 6, Section C3-P0 to allow the President the opportunity to legally remove Senator Schumer from office for his terroristic statements. The Article reads as follows: The Supreme Court remains an independent judicial body, outside the influence of government at any level. Should any government official take it upon himself to attempt to influence, coerce, intimidate, or threaten a Supreme Court Justice in order to sway decisions, that official shall be subject to discretionary removal at the hands of the sitting President of these United States. Simply put, Chuck Schumer broke an important, very real constitutional law and now will likely face severe consequences. However, that item was a direct copy of a March 10 2020 post to, one of several sites in the America’s Last Line of Defense cluster of sites that publishes nothing but satire, hoaxes, and jokes. An about page on that site explained: ABOUT US is a subsidiary of the America’s Last Line of Defense network of parody, satire, and tomfoolery, or as Snopes called it before they lost their war on satire: Junk News Florida is where wokes go to die... Please enable JavaScript Florida is where wokes go to die About Satire Before you complain and decide satire is synonymous with comedy: sat·ire ˈsaˌtī(ə)r noun: The use of humor, irony, exaggeration, OR ridicule to expose and criticize people’s stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues. Everything on this website is fiction. It is not a lie and it is not fake news because it is not real. If you believe that it is real, you should have your head examined. Any similarities between this site’s pure fantasy and actual people, places, and events are purely coincidental and all images should be considered altered and satirical. See above if you’re still having an issue with that satire thing. It’s not uncommon for scraper sites to copy and paste content like Last Line of Defense ( LLOD )’s SCOTUS Rules Trump Can Remove Chuck Schumer from Senate word for word, including all but a disclaimer that the content was originally intended as satire. Posted in Disinformation , Fact Checks Tagged busta troll , , chuck schumer , donald trump , fake news sites , last line of defense , satire , viral facebook posts (en)