  • 2022-04-22 (xsd:date)
  • Did Binance Create a Twitter Emoji That Looked Like a Swastika? (en)
  • Binance, a cryptocurrency exchange, had to remove a Twitter emoji that looked like a swastika after a number of internet users pointed out the resemblance. In late April 2022, the company revealed a new emoji (or hashflag, as the feature is called on Twitter). The image was of a golden square with four Ls for arms, looking a lot like the symbol associated with Nazism. While the swastika symbol predates its use by fascists in Nazi Germany, the symbol is still used by neo-Nazis and other anti-Semitic extremist groups. Soon after numerous people pointed out its connection, Binance tweeted that they were pulling it down. Hashflags are a feature on Twitter that automatically adds a graphic of choice to the end of a hashtag, regardless of who tweets it. Many companies use them for their branding and have paid up to seven figures for the feature. (en)