  • 2003-04-20 (xsd:date)
  • Andy Rooney's Political Views (en)
  • Andy Rooney, the 60 Minutes commentator known to generations for his wry, humorous and contentious television essays passed away in 2011 at the age of 92. Although the curmudgeonly commentator Andy Rooney may have delivered some vituperative essays during his time (such as a 2003 piece on French politics), a popular online piece in which he supposedly elaborated on his own politics was not his creation: The text quoted above was too reactionary in tone even for the acerbic Rooney, and the language used didn't sound like him. (Shoot your sorry ass just wasn't the kind of phrase Andy Rooney employed on television.) Just to be thorough, we checked the transcripts of all of Andy Rooney's 60 Minutes pieces from the previous ten years, and nothing like this item turned up among them. Moreover, Andy Rooney himself denied that this polemic originated with him, saying in 2003 that: Mr. Rooney disclaimed the above-quoted piece again in his 60 Minutes segment of 23 October 2005, saying of it: And he denied it yet again to the Associated Press in December 2006: The final two items on the list are probably a good tipoff that either this collection was written (by an as-yet unidentified author) as a parody of the A Few Minutes with Andy Rooney spots on 60 Minutes or that someone appended Andy Rooney's name to an unattributed piece because it seemed like something he would say. Either way, whoever created this version appears to have lifted some parts from an earlier piece known as Yes, I Guess I am A BAD American that is falsely credited to comedian George Carlin. (en)