  • 2016-11-11 (xsd:date)
  • Maryland Refusing Electoral College, Hillary Given Presidency As More States Follow? (en)
  • On 11 November 2016, the web site Conservative Daily Post published an article reporting that Hillary Clinton had been named the President of the United States after Maryland rejected the Electoral College system and instead awarded the state's electors to the winner of the nationwide popular vote: The above-displayed article is wrong on numerous accounts. First, the breaking story from NBC cited in the piece was from 2007. Second, while Maryland did propose back then changing the manner in which presidential electors are selected to correspond to the national vote, that proposal was never implemented (because other states did not also go along with it): It should also be noted that Hillary Clinton already won Maryland's ten electoral votes in the 2016 presidential election (so the state's giving her what she had already earned wouldn't have changed the election results), making this story from The Conservative Daily Post a little extra non-sensical. Clinton apparently won the national popular vote in 2016, but Donald Trump won a majority of electors and, ultimately, the presidency. This circumstance led to numerous calls for changes in the U.S. election system and even sparked a petition calling on electors to ignore their pledges and vote for the winner of the popular vote (i.e., Hillary Clinton) instead of Donald Trump. (en)