  • 2017-05-09 (xsd:date)
  • Joakim Noah Gives U.S. Soldiers the Finger, Refuses to Eat With Them? (en)
  • In May 2017, web sites such as and recirculated an old and misleading story about Joakim Noah, claiming that the NBA star had given the finger to US soldiers while training at West Point: It's true that Joakim Noah skipped a dinner with cadets while the team was training at West Point. However, the NBA star did not make an obscene gesture at troops. This story was largely based on an October 2016 article published by The New York Daily News. The original article included several statements from Noah, who said that his stance was anti-war and not anti-troops: Noah's decision to skip the dinner was certainly controversial in some circles and even brought criticism from West Point spokesman Lt. Col. Christopher Kasker: The New York Knicks attempted to quell the controversy by posting pictures of Noah talking to the troops at West Point: (en)