  • 2018-02-15 (xsd:date)
  • and seem to blame Victoria Nuland (en)
  • Alexey Navalny’s video investigating ties between Russian billionaire Oleg Deripaska and Russian Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Prikhodko, which was published on the website of Navalny’s Anti-Corruption Foundation and posted on YouTube, was viewed nearly five million times in just one week.The video is also the target of two lawsuits -- one filed by Deripaska, the other by Navalny. As the immediate result of Deripaska's lawsuit, Roskomnadzor, Russia’s communications regulator, added the postings of the video to its list of banned Web pages.Deripaska is reportedly a confidant of President Vladimir Putin, and also has ties to President Donald Trump’s former campaign manager, Paul Manafort. Prikhodko, widely seen as Putin’s most influential shadow foreign policy adviser, is also the chairman of Korporatsiya Takticheskoe Raketnoe Vooruzhenie – a private firm that has the largest contracts with the Russian military to develop tactical missiles and missile systems.Navalny, Russia’s most popular opposition figure, has been barred from taking part in the country’s upcoming presidential elections.Navalny’s video, which was posted on February 8, shows Deripaska and Prikhodko relaxing on the oligarch’s private yacht off the coast of Norway in August 2016. With the two men is a woman described as a VIP escort." At one point in the video clip (en)