  • 2014-10-31 (xsd:date)
  • Did Boyd Bushman Provide Evidence of Alien Contact? (en)
  • A video posted to YouTube on 8 October 2014 offered the deathbed revelations of former Lockheed Martin engineer (aka Area 51 scientist) Boyd Bushman, who spoke with aerospace engineer Mark Q. Patterson shortly before he passed away at age 78 in August 2014: went out with an extraterrestrial disclosure bang, making claims about having worked on projects involving antigravity, UFOs, aliens, Area 51, and Roswell, New Mexico. According to his comments in the video, government officials had been in contact with aliens who strongly resemble humans, tend to be approximately four and a half to five feet tall, have three back bones that are actually cartilage, and are able to communicate telepathically: They're able to use their own voice by telepathy to talk to you. You walk in the room with one of them, and all of a sudden you find yourself giving the answer to your question in your own voice, he said. In the video Bushman described two types of aliens, some of whom live for 200 (presumed Earth) years and hail from a planet called Quintumnia where, improbably, they continue to rustle cattle despite their vastly advanced technological state: They divide them into two groups. One group are wranglers, and the others are rustlers — the ones who are stealers of cattle. The two groups act differently. The ones that are wranglers are much more friendly, and have a better relationship with us. The sole piece of evidence Bushman presented in support of his tale about alien visitations from Quintumnia were some purported photographs of these extraterrestrial beings: However, when Bushman's claims began to gain traction on the Internet, a Reddit user located an existing plastic toy alien doll that very closely resembled the image of the alien Bushman had proffered in his video: news outlet in Quebec also pointed out that the alien seen in the pictures held up by Bushman during the interview could be purchased at WalMart. Did Boyd Bushman prankishly decide to have one over on everyone as he departed his earthly life, was he a publicity-seeking charlatan, was he a true believer who actually thought he had experienced the things he described, or was he suffering the effects of senility? Regardless of his reasons for offering them, Bushman's extraordinary claims weren't the least bit convincing in an evidential sense, as Stuart J. Robbins noted for SWIFT: (en)