A video shared on Facebook purportedly shows the moment a Yeti Airlines flight in Nepal crashed. Verdict: Misleading The post’s caption is inaccurate. The video dates back to 2013. Fact Check: Yeti Airlines flight 691 from Kathmandu to Pokhara crashed in Nepal with 72 people on board, CNN reported. Two of the victims in the crash were identified as Americans, while 15 foreign nationals were identified as well, according to People Magazine . The Facebook posted purports to show video of the recent incident in Nepal. There were 53 Nepali citizens, 5 Indian nationals, 4 Russians, 2 Koreans, 1 Irish, 1 Argentinian, and 1 French national in the aircraft that crashed near #PokharaAirport, the post reads. Nepal Airport Authorities The death toll has risen to 40, Nepali media reports. (RELATED: Has NATO Launched An Intervention In Ukraine?) The caption of the post misidentifies the footage. Check Your Fact conducted a reverse image search and found the video is from 2013, years before the crash. The footage in the post shows an incident when a cargo plane crashed just after takeoff from Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan. The crash claimed the lives of seven Americans, according to CNN News . The crash was caused by improperly loaded vehicle cargo, leading to a load shift and damage to the rear of the plane, according to Simple Flying . The damage made the plane uncontrollable, leading to it stalling in mid-flight before crashing on the ground, the outlet reported. The recent plane crash in Nepal is the deadliest in 30 years. None of the 72 passengers are expected to have survived, BBC News has reported. Reports have claimed that footage from inside the plane when it crashed was livestreamed and archived, The Guardian reported. This is not the first time fabricated or misleading images have spread on social media. Check Your Fact recently debunked an image purporting to show an official PSA in Ireland listing ‘sudden death’ as a side effect of the COVID-19 vaccine.