  • 2017-06-20 (xsd:date)
  • Did Robert Mueller Say He Supported a 'One-World Government'? (en)
  • In May 2017 a meme portrayed Justice Department special counsel Robert Mueller, who is investigating Russian meddling in the 2016 election, as a proponent of a one-world political system. The caption for the image read: However, Mueller -- who is currently investigating President Donald Trump for possible obstruction of justice -- never made such a statement. It has been attributed to Robert Muller, former Assistant Secretary General to the United Nations and the 1989 winner of the UNESCO Prize for Peace Education. Conspiracy theorist Dwight Kinman used the quote as an epigraph for a chapter in his 1993 book The World's Last Dictator: Kinman does not provide a citation for that particular Muller quote, though much of his discussion of Muller centers around his novel First Lady of the World. We were unable to obtain a copy of the book by press time to confirm whether the quote is accurate. A conservative meme-related group acknowledged that the quote was misattributed while throwing in an insult against Mueller, saying: (en)