  • 2017-01-31 (xsd:date)
  • Starbucks #WelcomeRefugees Promotion (en)
  • In January 2017, not long after Starbucks announced that it planned on hiring 10,000 refugees over the next five years in response to President Donald Trump's immigration ban, an image appeared purporting to show a #WelcomeRefugees promotion from the company: The image was also posted to the r/The_Donald section of Reddit on 31 January 2017, along with messages encouraging other members to spread it on social media to see if people would fall for it: This image is, of course, a hoax. It is based on a real Starbucks advertisement from 2014; whoever created the fake #refugeeswelcome promotion simply deleted the original text of the genuine Starbucks advertisement (which offered upsized drinks with the purchase of IMAX tickets) and substituted their own. The biggest mistake in the hoax advertisement is that the letter y in the word say is missing its lower half: Providing the name Aloha Snackbar to your barista will not net you a free upsize, nor will it do anything to help refugees anywhere in the world. (en)