  • 2016-10-25 (xsd:date)
  • Cubs Fan Steve Bartman Wins $3.7 Million from 9-Year-Old Bet on Cubs (en)
  • On 25 October 2016, the Satira Tribune web site published an published an article reporting that notorious Cubs fan Steve Bartman had won a $3.7 million wager after the Chicago Cubs defeated the Los Angeles Dodgers to earn their first World Series appearance in more than 70 years: There was no truth to this story. Bartman, who infamously interfered with a fly ball during the National League Championship Series in 2003 (and was widely blamed for costing the Cubs the pennant), did not place a $5 bet in Las Vegas in 2005 that the Chicago Cubs would beat the Los Angeles Dodgers to win the pennant in 2016, he didn't give a recent interview to the Nevada Reporter, and he did not win $3.7 million. The Satira Tribune is a fake news web site that publishes satirical and futuristic news. While Bartman's $3.7 million World Series prediction originated with a fake news story, another Chicago Cubs prediction that made its way around the internet in October 2016 appeared to be genuine. In 1993, a high school student used his senior yearbook quote to predict a 2016 World Series victory for the Chicago Cubs. (en)