A video shared on Facebook claims to show a Russian envoy being struck by multiple Ukrainian missiles. Verdict: False The caption in the post is false. The video appears to depict an event that predates the current Russia-Ukraine conflict. Fact Check: Russia has lost over 1,100 tanks and 1,300 infantry fighting vehicles since its invasion of Ukraine started in February, according to Yahoo News . The Ukrainians have also captured hundreds of tanks and armored vehicles that were abandoned by Russia and have been repurposed for battle, the outlet reported. The Facebook video, which has been viewed more than 17,000 times, claims to show Ukraine missiles rain[ing] down on Russian tank column. The video shows Ukrainian vehicles, soldiers and civilians congregating at some type of celebratory event. (RELATED: Does This Video Show Russian Equipment Left In Izyum?) The video caption’s claim is false. The video does not show any Ukrainian missiles being fired at a Russian convoy or any military action taking place. A reverse image search found that the video dates back to 2019, three years before the invasion of Ukraine. The video’s title reads, THREE MOMENTS OF DEBALTSEV. RETURN. The meeting of units of the 25th battalion of the Ukrainian Armed Forces ‘KYIV RUSSIA’ that came out of the encirclement in Debaltseve, reads the video description. T he Battle of Debaltseve took place in late 2014 and early 2015, according to Small Wars Journal . The 25th Battalion described in the video description is likely the 25th Kyivska Rus mechanized infantry battalion, which took part in the battle, Small Wars Journal reported. Misinformation around the Russian-Ukrainian conflict is not new. Check Your Fact recently debunked a video claiming to show a Russian fuel depot on fire in September 2022.