  • 2015-04-20 (xsd:date)
  • Alligator Eats Girl Taking Photograph? (en)
  • A video purportedly showing a woman being attacked by an alligator while posing for a photograph along a riverbank has been circulating on the Internet since 2012. The video does not show a real alligator attack, however: it's merely a commercial for Preview magazine. When the video was originally uploaded to YouTube, it featured a few extra seconds of footage containing the tagline choose your bag wisely, the hashtag #IMAPreviewGirl, and a link to Preview's web site. These aspects clearly identified the video as an advertisement; but (as is typical with such reality commercials) they were trimmed off by those who subsequently reposted it, making it difficult for viewers to recognize the clip as a commercial. Although several versions of this video currently circulating on the Internet (many lacking the final seconds of the original video) claim to depict a real alligator attack, Preview has made it clear that this clip (How Not to Instagram) is just a commercial. The magazine has listed the full creative team behind the clip on their web site, and the viral video has won a few advertising awards: (en)