Example: [Collected via e-mail, February 2007] Dear Friends:You probably never thought of this, but women's shelters in the U.S. go through thousands of tampons and pads monthly. Assistance agencies generally help with expenses of everyday necessities such as toilet paper, diapers, and clothing, but one of the most BASIC needs is overlooked - feminine hygiene products. (Who is at the helm of the funding assistance agencies!?)Seventh Generation, a green paper products and cleaning products company, has a do-good attitude and will donate a box of sanitary products to a women's shelter in your chosen state - just for clicking the link. Talk about easy (literally takes less than 1 minute and they ask nothing of you).And, yes, it is Legitimate!https://www.tampontification.com/donate.aspOrigins: We contacted Consumer Relations at paper products manufacturer Seventh Generation's headquarters in Vermont, who averred that the company is indeed pledging to donate a box of sanitary products to a women's shelter for every user who visits their Donation page, although they haven't quite worked out all the details of the program's implementation: Yes, this is a legitimate website and for each virtual donation, Seventh Generation will send a pack of organic cotton tampons or chlorine-free pads to a shelter in your state. We determine who to send the donation to based on the number of clicks we receive in one area. Our Marketing Team is working on this initiative and will have the details worked out by the end of March.We also confirmed this information with the Public Relations department at Seventh Generation, who said they had not yet decided on setting an end date or donation cap on the program. However, shortly afterwards, on 12 March 2007, Seventh Generation announced they were temporarily suspending the donation program due to overwhelming response: Thanks to the thousands of you who have visited this page to donate product. We are moved by your overwhelming response to this initiative and are looking forward to distributing much-needed products to shelters across North America in the coming months. Unfortunately, we have received so many clicks in the past few weeks that we are temporarily suspending the click-to-donate action until we can get all of the product out to the shelters that need it.