  • 2019-01-17 (xsd:date)
  • Did Second Lady Karen Pence Work at a School That Bans LGBT Teachers and Students? (en)
  • In January 2019, Second Lady Karen Pence faced widespread criticism after the White House announced she had taken a job as a part-time art teacher at a Christian school in Northern Virginia, an institution that, according to some news reports, bars LGBT teachers, staff and students. A White House press release announced that Pence -- wife of Vice President Mike Pence -- had returned to the K-8 elementary school where she worked from 2001 to 2013 while her husband was a U.S. Representative for the 2nd and 6th Congressional Districts of Indiana: Today, Karen Pence is back in the classroom, not as the Second Lady of the United States, but as Mrs. Pence to teach art classes for children at an elementary school in Northern Virginia. Mrs. Pence will teach twice a week at Immanuel Christian School until May. Mrs. Pence accepted this wonderful opportunity to teach art in early December 2018. 'I am excited to be back in the classroom and doing what I love to do, which is to teach art to elementary students,' said Mrs. Pence. 'I have missed teaching art, and it’s great to return to the school where I taught art for twelve years.' The announcement quickly received negative press due to requirements that Immanuel Christian School places on would-be employees and parents of would-be students. The Huffington Post published an article with the headline Karen Pence is Working at a School That Bans LGBTQ Employees and Kids. The article read: Karen Pence, wife of Vice President Mike Pence, started at a job this week teaching art at Immanuel Christian School in Northern Virginia. It’s not a school where everyone is welcome. In a parent agreement posted online, the school says it will refuse admission to students who participate in or condone homosexual activity, HuffPost learned through an investigation into discriminatory admissions policies. The 2018 employment application also makes candidates sign a pledge not to engage in homosexual activity or violate the 'unique roles of male and female.' The New York Times' headline was Karen Pence Is Teaching at Christian School That Bars L.G.B.T. Students and Teachers, an ABC News report carried the headline Second lady Karen Pence to teach at school with ban against LGBT students, parents and teachers, Yahoo! News reported Karen Pence works at school that bans homosexuality and CNN reported that the school bans gay students and parents. and the Daily Beast published similar articles, which also averred that the school barred LGBT employees and students. At the heart of these claims were two documents posted on the website of the school, which is in Springfield, Virginia, about 12 miles southwest of downtown Washington, D.C. and is closely affiliated with Immanuel Bible Church. The first document is the employment application required of anyone applying for a job as a teacher, teaching assistant or substitute teacher at the school. As part of that application, would-be staff are required to sign and initial each of 13 articles of employment. The document prefaces those articles with the following introduction: Immanuel Christian School is a non-profit religious educational organization and is supported as a ministry of Immanuel Bible Church. More importantly, our school is a community of believers who have joined together to meet the spiritual and academic needs of our community, representing Jesus Christ. Our school promotes behavior consistent with the Holy Scriptures. Consequently, when joining Immanuel Christian School, you freely and willingly agree to the standards of behavior outlined in this policy. The standards included in the policy are not exhaustive; rather, they provide a guideline of conduct we believe is in accordance with biblical standards. Please read, initial each item, and sign as indicated. Would-be teachers are required to affirm that they are born-again Christians, that they are or will become active members of a local theologically conservative church, that they will avoid careless speech and actions (for example in social media postings) and that they will in general act in a way that upholds and promotes the conservative, Christian, biblically founded mission and values of the school. Article 8 goes into specific details about behaviors that are not permitted of would-be employees, and outlines examples of what school authorities regard as prohibited moral misconduct. This is the section of the employment application that caused widespread controversy in January 2019: So in order to be considered as a potential employee of Immanuel Christian School, an applicant must sign a personal commitment not to engage in homosexual sexual activity, transgender identity or any other violation of the unique roles of male and female. The document does not explicitly prohibit teachers from being gay, lesbian or bisexual (or prohibit individuals who are gay, lesbian or bisexual from teaching at the school) as such, but rather it prohibits them from engaging in homosexual sexual activity. This appears to be in keeping with a widespread position, common to many Christian denominations, that persons with same-sex sexual preferences ought not to be condemned or excluded on the basis of those preferences alone, but only on the condition that they strictly exercise chastity, and refrain from publicly identifying as gay, lesbian or bisexual or engaging in same-sex and extra-marital relationships or sexual activity. It is a point of considerable philosophical dispute -- and beyond the scope of a fact check -- whether barring gay, lesbian and bisexual individuals from giving full expression to their sexual identities and orientations while being members of a church, for example, or teaching at a school, is itself tantamount to effectively barring gay, lesbian and bisexual individuals from those organizations. For example, Dignity USA, a group that advocates inclusion and participation for LGBTQI Catholics, defines its viewpoint in the following way: By contrast, the official position of the Catholic church (as articulated in the Catechism) is that homosexual sexual acts are intrinsically disordered and contrary to the natural law but that homosexual persons must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity on the condition that they exercise chastity. Article 8 in Immanuel Christian School's articles of employment does specifically and explicitly designate transgender identity as a form of unacceptable moral misconduct. Unlike the ambiguity of the document's position towards homosexual persons (as opposed to homosexual sexual acts), this clearly amounts to a ban on transgender persons from working at the school as teachers, substitute teachers or teaching assistants. The second document at the heart of the January 2019 controversy over Karen Pence's employment at the school was a parent agreement, which parents of would-be students are required to support as part of the application process for being admitted to the school. It's not clear whether parents are required to sign the agreement before their child can be accepted for enrollment at the school, but the document prefaces the list of 15 commitments with the following statement: I agree that Immanuel Christian School should maintain its objective of thoroughly Christian education and should show evidence of that in policies for academic work, student behavior, and all relationships with students, employees, school families, churches, and the community. I will cooperate with Immanuel Christian School (ICS) in the following ways. The sixth of these commitments reads as follows: So the school reserves the right to refuse to admit or to expel a student if either that student or their parents or guardians engage in, support, condone or promote homosexual or bisexual activity. Although this does not explicitly bar gay, lesbian or bisexual persons from attending the school or sending their children there, it could reasonably be regarded as an implicit ban on openly gay, lesbian or bisexual persons doing so. It is extremely difficult to imagine a scenario in which openly gay, lesbian or bisexual parents could, in good faith, present themselves to school authorities as upholding a requirement that they not support, condone, or promote homosexual or bisexual activity, especially if that activity is not regarded as limited to sexual acts, but rather includes same-sex relationships. Similarly, it is extremely difficult to imagine a scenario in which the parents of children who have openly expressed their own emerging or settled homosexual or bisexual orientation could, in good faith, present their children for attendance at the school while also committing to not support or condone homosexual or bisexual activity. Significantly, the document cites Chapter 20, Verse 13 of the book of Leviticus as the scriptural basis for its ban on the promotion or support of homosexual acts by parents or students. That verse famously reads: If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads. We asked the White House whether Karen Pence had signed and initialed all 13 of the articles of employment for Immanuel Christian School, including Article 8, and whether she regarded that document, along with the parent agreement, as amounting to a formal or de facto ban on LGBT staff, parents and students. We did not receive a response in time for publication. Similarly, we asked Immanuel Christian School whether the provisions of Article 8 in the articles of employment, taken together with the parent agreement, were intended to be a formal or de facto ban on LGBT staff, parents and students, but we did not receive a response in time for publication. (en)