  • 2021-10-11 (xsd:date)
  • ‘Are You Concerned Someone You Know is Becoming Too Prepared?’... (en)
  • ‘Are You Concerned Someone You Know is Becoming Too Prepared?’ Facebook Claim Canning and prepping group members are being shown an official Facebook warning asking them if they're concerned someone they know is becoming too prepared. Rating Decontextualized Like this fact check? Reporting On October 10 2021, a screenshot of a purported Facebook warning asking members of canning and prepper groups if they knew someone who was becoming too prepared was shared to Reddit’s r/comedyheaven : becoming too prepared from comedyheaven A nearly identical screenshot was shared to r/conspiracy in early September 2021. Appended to the post was a screenshot from the group Canning Simple Recipes Food Gardening Preserving and Crafting Group, with the following post content visible: Anyone ever see this? My SIL got this warning in another canning group. 🤯 Florida is where wokes go to die... Please enable JavaScript Florida is where wokes go to die Of note is the fact that the original poster (OP) didn’t claim to have received the becoming too prepared Facebook warning firsthand, but rather that their sister in law witnessed the pop-up warning. That read: Are you concerned that someone you know is becoming too prepared ? We care about preventing extremism on Facebook . Others in your situation have received confidential support. [i] How you can help Hear stories and get advice from people who escaped violent extremist groups . One of those things was not like the other — the first and most visible line of text purportedly queried users about someone they know who was becoming too prepared. But in a facet suggestive of editing, the remainder of the screenshot referenced extremism on Facebook and escap[ing] violent extremist groups. A search for becoming too prepared on Twitter indicated that similar discussions about the screenshot had been going on for at least a month on that platform. Suspiciously, when screenshots were included , it was almost always the same one (or a slightly different version of it): @JovanHPulitzer My sister sent me this from a canning group on Facebook.....WOW — Susan Mc (@SusanOfTheClan) September 8, 2021 Are you concerned that someone you know is becoming too prepared? ... Hear stories and get advice from people who escaped violent extremist groups — 🐉🗝️✨ (@kikimancy) September 24, 2021 Facebook crackdown on preppers has begun. Are you concerned that someone you know is becoming too prepared? — ScalpS (@BarbaricBarbery) August 31, 2021 The canners have been flagged as extremists Be a rebel. Can. — Kween Josie of all the Liberty (@OfficialTRHL) August 30, 2021 Check out Facebook's warning that interest in food preservation might be a sign of extremism among those who are becoming too prepared. This is what I call War by Venn Diagram. Everyone knows folks who can/prep are conservatives. This is just a sneaky way to harass them. — Melquíades (@WhyWherever) September 1, 2021 Readers taking the content of what appeared to be two extremely specious screenshots at face value seemed to be due to a widely-reported and nearly identical Facebook warning rolled out around July 2021: Facebook Inc (FB.O) is starting to warn some users they might have seen extremist content on the social media site, the company said on [July 1 2021]. Screenshots shared on Twitter showed a notice asking Are you concerned that someone you know is becoming an extremist? and another that alerted users you may have been exposed to harmful extremist content recently. Both included links to get support. On July 2 2021, screenshots of the becoming an extremist warning appeared on Reddit : Facebook: Are you concerned that someone you know is becoming an extremist? from DarkFuturology A user from r/preppers spotted the r/comedyheaven iteration and shared it; consensus in the thread was that the screenshot was faked: Are you concerned someone you know is becoming too prepared? from preppers A similar credulity emerged in two earlier r/conspiracy threads, where users described the image as an obvious fake: Normies are now explicitly being told prepping is bad and Q affiliated. This means something big is right around the corner. from conspiracy Preserving Food = Violent Extremism from conspiracy Facebook’s rollout of the becoming an extremist warning in July 2021 received significant news coverage from international news organizations. Extending the warning to being prepared would likely generate significant interest and discourse — as the screenshots did. By contrast, a search for the are you concerned someone you know is becoming too prepared Facebook warning returned a total of seven results. Most of those were crawled copies of the Reddit threads linked above, and none were news or verified reports. Claims an are you concerned someone you know is becoming too prepared Facebook warning popped up in prepping and canning groups were virally popular, virtually always secondhand, and never well sourced. Facebook’s rollout of the becoming an extremist pair of warnings was well documented, unlike the near-identical screenshots fueling the becoming too prepared rumors. Since the screenshot appeared to originate in a closed group, its origin is difficult to verify, but it likely was created to satirize the becoming an extremist warning, which was real, before becoming decoupled from its source and alarming pickle enthusiasts. Article Sources + Are You Concerned Someone You Know is Becoming Too Prepared Facebook | Reddit Are You Concerned Someone You Know is Becoming Too Prepared Facebook | Reddit My sister sent me this from a canning group on Facebook.....WOW | Twitter Are You Concerned Someone You Know is Becoming Too Prepared Facebook | Twitter Check out Facebook's warning that interest in food preservation might be a sign of extremism among those who are becoming too prepared. This is what I call War by Venn Diagram. Everyone knows folks who can/prep are conservatives. This is just a sneaky way to harass them. Facebook tests prompts that ask users if they're worried a friend is 'becoming an extremist' Facebook asks: Are your friends becoming extremists? Facebook: Are you concerned that someone you know is becoming an extremist? | Reddit Are you concerned someone you know is becoming too prepared? | Reddit Are You Concerned Someone You Know is Becoming Too Prepared Facebook | Reddit Are You Concerned Someone You Know is Becoming Too Prepared Facebook | Reddit Are You Concerned Someone You Know is Becoming Too Prepared Facebook | Reddit Are You Concerned Someone You Know is Becoming Too Prepared Facebook | Google Search Posted in Disinformation , Fact Checks Tagged are you concerned someone you know is becoming too prepared facebook , becoming too prepared facebook , canning , facebook warnings , misleading , prepping , viral facebook posts , viral reddit posts (en)